Married 30+ years to the same sweet man & plan to hang on to him! Pray for your family daily!! If you don't... who will?

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Phantom 2009

Last night we saw Phantom of the Opera at the Music Hall Kansas City!
First row on the right.
Great performance, close enough to see the expressions on the faces of the performers.

This was the first time for Christy!
LJ and I are Phans, our FIFTH performance.

Hard to manage since we live in the middle of nowhere.

The cast at Her Majesty's Theatre in London was still the best
but last night was excellent!
After going out after the play for a light snack,
we came home to Jay and the little girlees
fast asleep on the floor of LJ's apt!

August: Tif and fam and I plan to go see it on Broadway!

photo by Joan Marcus

1 comment:

Ynaffit said...

SWEET! I can't wait!!!